& this too shall pass =)


This is not really an over used phrase surprisingly, no one has ever said this to me though these days I find myself saying it to other people. I caught it from a couple of movies I watched recently, and then I did a bit of research to find that this phrase originated from the bible, and there was a story on Solomon as well, with this being the moral. I don’t mean to bore ya’all but thought the background was essential.
So yes shit happens (best way to put it) and you find yourself thinking all sorts of stuff, “why me!!”…”my life sucks” … Blah blah blah. Well I’ve been training myself from saying these things, naturally cause I know I don’t mean them. Something goes wrong and I blameĀ Life? That’s a huge, huge uncalled for sort of picking on. So when something goes right what, “my life” is awesome? Now that’s not how things work. Things happen. Like how they’re meant to. You tend to forget you make things happen, or the fact that you can.
Anyway, when you are facing this feeling, if you feel yourself having too much weight on your shoulders, if you feel problems are ALL you can think of, and you know, getting all “emo” or even anywhere close to being dangerously suicidal (you never know who’s reading this!), just remember: this too shall pass. Like how you got through something complicated in the past, this too WILL pass ! Smile ! While you still have teeth … =)

This is Rachel. Rachel loves red, or was it pink now?

Rachel gives the best hugs in the world. And, I liked her smile.

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