Monthly Archives: January 2014

It’s been one hell of a month, week, day…


I realized today, traveling in the rickshaw, in this crazy almost-summer/too-bad-winter-is-slipping-away Bombay heat and amidst the worst traffic jam ever, that despite the fact that I’m doing this for the millionth time this week/month/day- sourcing fabric and whatnot, that I enjoy this. I seem to enjoy the fact that I’m working so hard on something like never before, I crib about it, (very little- honestly), but at the end of the day, I enjoy it. Although in the past one week I never got around having breakfast or lunch, I realize that was the choice I made, that was how I prioritized my work… and I wouldn’t have if I didn’t enjoy it on some level. One of my friends said to me the other day “trust me doing what you love to do is a big success in itself”… made me smile thinking just how true that is.

We’ve started working on our final graduating show, you see. Anything and everything that could’ve possibly gone wrong, already has, so I’m sort of relieved. A number of the fabrics I had sourced for my collection beforehand got discontinued by the time I needed to place the order, it was a lot of chaos, a few tears, and with a lot of determination, support (mum especially) and faith, I made it through- I found other fabrics, I got numerous samples made out of which I got to pick the best oneā€¦ I am now on first-name basis with most of these fabric store/market/ people and those fabric dying and printing walas! It’s quite nice to see their smiles when I enter their stores.


The things I’ve learned in the past one month, week, day:

1. Staying calm works wonders. I could’ve lost it any one of these days. In fact I think I’ve begun to worry considerably less now.

2. People are so, so nice. More than you give them credit for!

There was this one cab driver a couple of days back, he was this stern looking fellow, I shared my kitkat with him, mainly because he looked like he could use it, and the rest of the ride he was giving me (fatherly I suppose I can call it) advice! Just on life and stuff. I had never laughed so much talking to a cabbie! (For my mum, if she’s reading this- I know what you’re thinking- stranger and all, but I gave him that little bit of happiness and that made me feel really good. On another note, no, I don’t share chocolates and laugh along with every cab driver…I promise.)

3. Finishing off work before due date- always works your way. In fact I couldn’t have gotten through so much this month without doing that.

4. After going through the worst day ever, sleep. Or watch Friends. Either can help.

5. Walk lots. Just for the heck of it. Clear your mind, distract yourself, create a story, anything you like. For me, it’s an act of multi-tasking.

6. Sandwiches. Quick and healthy. (Okay, this one I sort of already knew.)

7. If you know that something can be better, then it can, so don’t settle for less.

8. Pasta does it for me. The solution to this month.

DSC_0246(the best pasta I’ve cooked till date!)

9. Balancing work and fun works when you do it right. This month wasn’t all work, I got to hang out with friends a lot as well.

10. Be polite. The amount of people who helped me this month, it’s almost overwhelming. No amount of carrot cakes can show just how much. You know who you are!! =]

11. You’re all you’ve got! Sometimes not relying on anybody else no matter how badly you need to, is the only way you can get things done.

12. I learn every single day that there is NEVER a reason to give up or give in. Can’t stress that enough…

Alright, that’s all for now. Have a good night.