Monthly Archives: December 2013

That time of the year again…


I have not been blogging regularly which sucks, but what can I do when all that’s happening in my life revolves around meeting deadlines, and more deadlines. Always meeting deadlines. Five more months and then I’m going to do some serious chilling for a bit. (sure, blogging too.)

I feel quite exhausted with my current lifestyle, and naturally around this time of the year you start to wonder about the kind of changes you wanna make for the next year, i.e new year resolutions. Honestly I never thought so much of resolutions because I deemed it silly, nevertheless, I’m giving myself very valuable TIPS or say, resolutions as you might like to call it, to improve this insane-ish lifestyle.

1. Get more sleep. I’m pretty tired of thinking that this is just not possible. 8 hours a day sounds like a dream, but I’ll genuinely work on it. More sleep means less stress, or so I’ve heard, and yeeeesss I want that!

2. Breakfast. Not a fan, but it’s about time I sorted out my messed up eating habits. I need to differentiate between lunch and dinner, instead of combining the two and having one weirdly satisfying meal.

3. Meditate. Maybe it sounds silly to some others, but I can see it working out. Peace is all I seek. It’s all about controlling emotions (these last 5 months of my course- things are going to get extremely messy, I’m definitely going to need to learn how to stay calm).

4. Exercise (because thankfully I do really enjoy it!). I’m teaching myself some exercises from the internet because I ain’t got no time for gym. Cost cutting applies, also.

5.SMIIIIILLLLEEEEEEE. Believe it or not, this actually makes a difference to our state of happiness, and others for that matter.

None of that “I’m gonna be a better person” crap. 2013 has been such a roller coaster ride, and more. I hardly felt the months go by, it’s been my busiest year so far. I’ve learned that you will come across so many scary, difficult situations, where you can’t think of a way out, where all you want to do is give up- but I can say that, in these 21 years, I never gave up. There’s always a way… always a solution, or a helping hand or two to grab onto, always an answer and always, with the right people by your side (eliminate the ones that do you no good already), and the right attitude, we can find a way to tackle those scary situations. Besides, once you get through some of those difficult situations, you will feel absolutely satisfied. Who doesn’t love that?

Here’s to 2014, let’s all have a spectacular one! Cheers.

