Category Archives: History

Marie Antoinette and the many executions that followed


I’ve recently come across this interesting bit of research material: Marie Antoinette, the famous French Queen back in the 18th century. Also nicknamed back then by the French people as ” Madame Deficit” due to her immoderate spending nature. I believe my knowledge on the subject until the research was pretty poor, but then I got a little carried away  and found out all that I could. Heck I even watched both the famous movies that have released, yes the Kirsten Dunst version as well as the b/w 1938 version. The 1938 film is way more authentic and rich in terms of history, but man, the dresses and all things pretty in the newer version, oh. so. beautiful.

My question is did she really deserve to be executed? I mean, who knows. Though it seemed to be in fashion how a lot of people got executed back then. I’m not sure if my knowledge in history is messed up or whether this really happened, but apparently the sister of Louis the 16th got executed simply for being the sister of the King. Whaaaat. So messed up. That’s just how things were done back then I suppose.

So, the period from 5 September 1793 – 28 July 1794 was known as the “Reign of Terror”, how ghastly that sounds! This particular period of time was when literally all the “corrupt” people of France were executed, or as they put it; mass executions of “enemies of the revolution”… I don’t even wanna get into French revolution. I mean yeah Louis didn’t seem like the smartest cookie, and again, true Marie Antoinette shouldn’t have assumed such a royal and luxurious lifestyle for herself when the people of France were suffering so badly, but she was only 14 when she got married [12 when she was approached with the idea of marriage!], obviously she couldn’t have been the most mature person at that age, besides just even undertaking the whole idea of being a Queen must be overwhelming and probably like a dream for a girl of such young age. Shouldn’t they have cut her some slack for that? She was being sent to this new world where people thought of her and treated her as the “unwelcome foreigner”, which lead to her want to “conquer France” and it’s people… and  well, we all know where that got her.

It seems to me that she was executed for the fact that an Austrian such as her [mind you, French enemy at the time], comes to their country and start spending their money and eventually creating a mess out of that altogether. ALTHOUGH, all the crimes that were written against her may or may not even have been true. As we already know.

This is a Marie Antoinette inspired illustration I did. I would assume Marie Antoinette to have more of a pleasant face… but yep the hair, just about right.


Hey, by the way Happy 2013! folks! Hope this year goes well for all of us. I’ve been swamped with work and didn’t exactly get the time to blog. Excuses, I know. Have a great day, fellow bloggers!