Monthly Archives: October 2012

Monday blues!


Something is different this year. Just what is it. I feel like I’m living by myself, half the lot left, and whoever’s remaining has something a little more of a life than I do. I shouldn’t put complete blame on my college for me not having time off… it’s an issue of trust as it appears to be. There’s STARBUCKS now in Mumbai, and I’m dying to check it out! In time, in time… =| Caramel Frappuccino, come to me!

Last year there were people, some friends, we didn’t do much of hanging out, we weren’t always on the phone to each other, but there were certainly good times, fond memories now. There was always somebody to go for a movie with at least. It is no joke but all of these people have left now, how does that work out like that?! It makes me question the higher power on what His intentions for me are. I’m not a pessimist. Ha ha if it’s for educational purpose then that’s a pure joke. Sure I’m doing better than last year when it comes to the work, but it’s no fun now, like seriously zero fun. All these crazy rules now too, rules, ugh, those are my enemies. And no fun and lots of work would make just about anybody dangerously irritable. But the optimism that runs through my nerves calms me down and tells me it reallllly is for the better.

I see how my blog is somehow turning into one of those philosophy enthusiast’s, hehe, I gotta bring some fashion in. Next post, I promise. =]

Happy Sunday as always! Less work, more relaxation, ’cause when monday comes …

life’s back on track, fast and furious style.

Aspirations blahspirations…


So, it’s been 18 days of October. Let’s see what we can do with that.

1. I really wish I could wear winter coats and all these big jackets here, but nooo, it is always a little too hot. Unless I move to Delhi  during their “winters”… but then again, who wants to live in Delhi? Not me.

2. I really wish I could fly to London in a second, to shop, and fly to Italy for lunch and like, travel around Tokyo during night.

3. I really wish I could listen to music in my head as per my wishes; like instant play. With an option to pause when somebody comes to talk to me and everything.

4. I really wish I could do something that will forever keep pain from me and the people I care about, far, far away.

5. I really wish I could watch the world cup at Brazil 2014! yeah! Go Braaaazil.

6. I really wish life had a “fast forward” or “rewind” option. At times that could be handy, y’know.

7. I really wish chocolates wouldn’t make you fat. Actually burgers too for that matter.

8. I really wish people were more understood than misunderstood.

9. I really wish we had a remote to handle the weather. =|

10. I really wish there was always unlimited ice-cream in the freezer. Could you just imagine the convenience!?

11.  I really wish people got treated right, most of the time a lot of people don’t. And yes I’m talking about those who spend all their time struggling to make some money let alone know what it is like to feel happy. [on top of that to be not treated right, no wonder suicide rates keep going up!]

12. I really wish, again, just for a day, there was justice in the world. ahem, proper justice.

13. I really wish every morning I wake up, there’s a cup of hot coffee right beside me. Haha.

14. I really wish Bruno Mars or R.Kelly or whoever I want could sing me songs and make me sleep. =]

15. I really wish, and I really wish this- I have got to see Kaka ! sometime before his football career ends.

16. I really wish everybody I care about to have more happy days than any other.

17. I really wish, more than anything, to always cherish the memories that are so close to me. My childhood especially. Don’t. wanna. forget. anything.

18. I really wish animal cruelty would cease. and babies are not abandoned. and trees to not get cut. and the world to be good. A little much ? =P

Yeah, something of a creative brain. In a perfect world I wouldn’t have to make these wishes, but this world is far from perfect, and for the most part at least, hey, I had to think real hard to come up with all these wishes. Which makes me pretty damn sane headed, doesn’t it. And nope that was not a question to be answered. Wait, was that even a word…

‘Dreamer’ signing off… ;]

Rain, rain… pain or gain.


“Mumbaikars” either love it or they simply despise it. Rain could be a curse that visits a little too often and without warning, or it’s a pleasant surprise which could be the best part of somebody’s day, for it brings forth a feeling of complete bliss and freedom. Although, in Mumbai, it also brings with it whatever that gets mixed with it on the ground; be it dirt, be it waste articles, be it absolutely anything that people tend to throw out in the public. Yeah, true story.

For me it’s a bit of both. You see, Mumbai floods faster than anything. And for somebody who does a lot of walking and having to rely on public transport to get to places, I might have a problem with rain there. Big problem. Since the start of this crazy monsoon I’ve already spoiled a nice pair of trèsmode shoes. Not good. =|

However, on a day like today wherein I enjoy my day indoors, it is absolutely amazing to sit and watch the rain and feel some of it as well, with a cup of hot tea and some really good music, it made my day quiet a good one. [Despite that I’m falling sick, which I’m guessing is cause of all the rain that I’ve been exposed to!] So like I said, it’s a love-hate thing. You’ll either embrace it or just you know, beware. Stay IN. haha. Goodnight, bloggers!