New-ish, slightly more developed thoughts (since my last post)


1. Paulo Coelho is my absolute favourite author at the moment. I’ve read 6 of his books now. Five in one week, so you can only imagine the kind of impact they seem to have had on me.


2. T.V has just become an empty blank box in my life right now. I catch a few episodes of Masterchef Australia but that’s about it. (Crazy talented people, those!!)

3. The realization that it is so, so important to live in the present… We’re constantly thinking about either what we did, or about what we’re going to get ourselves into…completely wasting this moment that’s going to pass us. (Thanks Paulo Coelho, for bringing that thought to surface.) Give ‘Veronika decides to die’ a read.

4. Conflicts, sometimes are unnecessary. I’m understanding how to let things just be.

5. I worked for about 3 weeks with a designer, and let’s just call it a learning experience of many sorts.

6. I realized after reading a quote or a sentence that I too am an old soul. I guess I knew it all along (as an old soul would say).

IMG_20141024_1755507. I visited this library that my grandfather had founded, and I walked the streets where he grew up, just because I wanted a feel of him. I never got to meet him so it was important. The feeling I got when I got hold of his diaries from the 1930s was- well, just really, really amazing. I live for that kind of stuff.

8. I visited Kuttanad. A beautiful place in Kerala that I’d been dying to visit, a place that always felt familiar to me, in a weirdly nostalgic way. Travelled around on a houseboat, tasted their famous ‘toddy’ and ate duck roast (kerala style). Culturally (and tummy) satisfying trip.

9. A friend and I boarded this bus the other day when I was in Bangalore, I was under the impression I was carrying enough money for the both of us but turns out I wasn’t (kind of forgot we splurged on necessary meals up until then), the bus conductor had already given me the receipt and I was short of 30 bucks (INR), and I was trying to convince him that I’m at fault and we’ll just get off the bus, he, I suppose was arguing with me insisting I pay full amount (I didn’t understand how) …and at that very moment, this girl our age who was standing nearby offered to chip in “whatever the amount left is”, and we could see she genuinely wanted to help, and she went on to explain that it’s a mistake that we all make sometimes, that sometimes we board the bus in a rush and realize we don’t have enough for the ticket only afterwards… Honestly, I believe that there’s a lot of good out there, a lot of good thoughts, good people, but I rarely come across experiences such as this, as, in today’s world everybody is so engrossed in technology and so shut off from people, eyes on their mobile phones and ears plugged in. So I was touched. I smiled, thanked her of course, and told her God bless her. Faith in humanity restored? More like faith in humanity GREW :]. [Do you believe in angels? Hmm? Just a thought for the night.]

Ooooh, and I discovered Instagram (I suppose you can tell from the pictures I’ve uploaded on this post). I don’t do hashtags though. Waaay too mainstream for my liking.

I stumbled along the way a few times, got appreciated a bunch more times and I found inspiration in places I never thought of. I attended a wedding, a funeral, birthdays, concert… all of which made an impact in some way or the other. As life goes on, the experiences that we go through and the people we come across help us find what’s deep within us, identify our “mess” and we can choose to take the route to make our lives better… and this circle goes on and on. I can never stop saying how beautiful our world that we live in is, it is beautifully messed up too, but still, beautiful.

I usually end or start almost every post by mentioning how I really should blog more often, or that I will, but this time, I’m just saying goodnight.


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