Monthly Archives: July 2012

My summer update!


Helllooooo! it’s been such a long time since I’ve posted ANYTHING on my blog, it’s my summer vacation going on and I was involved in a lot of travelling… most of the time no internet or just lousy net connection, but now that I’m home, I felt the need to blog as I missed it, terribly. :]

The best thing about this summer was the fact that I got to come home after 6 long months! To see my family, some really close friends and a whole lot of cousins. I’ve visited Chennai to see my aunt after she got into an accident, and then spent a lovely 2 weeks in Bangalore with a cousin and her family, kids- babies really, great time and I had a few friends to meet there as well. This cousin of mine is a fashion designer and it was really cool to be taken to her production unit every now and then and see the kind of work she does, not to mention the thought that maybe someday my life would be running along those same lines. So much stress yet great fun and definitely rewarding. My 20th birthday this year was spent in Bangalore. Not bad at all ;]

So, it’s just been about 2 months (almost) of pure vacation. Not a very sunny summer in the parts of India that I was at this year though. Still being from here most of us die for the awesome monsoon. This was the summer where I turned 20, I got to know some bit about how to look after a baby (haha), watching cartoons again and playing all kinds of games with a sweet, naughty 4 year old, went completely crazy running around in proper rain with my friends, ate soo much good food!, spend quality time with family in ages, and so much more! Oh and  of course, no vacation goes well without a good amount spent shopping. =D

Pictures, pictures!

This is Kovalam. It was crazy heavy wind and rain that day, heavy in the sense it almost knocked us down! But we enjoyed! These pictures were clicked from the lighthouse there. If you haven’t already, visit Kerala and stay at Kovalam, it’s just about the best we offer! :] Once I get better pictures and of their best hotels I promise a proper post just on that.

A group of friends and me, again in kovalam, =D

My Lil cutie cousins! Clicked on my birthday. :]

  I hope everybody had a neat summer! It’s almost time to get back to college [work] life now. Almost. That’s about another 7 days. 1 week. Second year shouldn’t be a drag….really…