Tag Archives: palette

Confessions of a sleep deprived, work-accumulated fashion student


For the past one month I feel like a bug’s been eating out my brains… lovely imagery isn’t that? Haha… oh dear Lord please keep me going. It’s just for a few more, terribly long months…but don’t let me give up. =]

#1 You say at least 7 hours sleep is essential. Haah. I wish.

#2 Skipping meals becomes a habit. You work until 5am to realize you had forgotten to have dinner. True story.

#3 Tends to become a little more cranky, if not a tentatively rude person throughout the course years.

#4 Your room is filled with your projects and clothes tossed around.

#5 Social life, what social life?

#6 You may start seeing things through entirely different lens. All you can think of is how to make whatever you’re making, better. Y’know how they say “the world is my canvas” and you have the palette in your mind? Go wild.

#7 Don’t even get me started on what stitching does to you. And what tacking does to you. How many of us are familiar with the “seam ripper”?!- a tool none of us go to college without.

#8 Some need cigarettes after cigarettes, others need unlimited supply of coffee. I need my green tea.

#9 You start dreaming about your work. They may/may not start slowly turning into nightmares later on.

#10  You discover the true meaning of STRESS.

#11  Any contact you make in the fashion biz can come as a help someday.

#12 Slowly, and an uncontrollable trait this one, you start checking everybody’s outfits out, and what’s fashionable and what’s not. Out in the street, in a restaurant… although in a mall you’d likely be distracted by all your favourite stores.

#13 Some of us are serious, slightly uncontrollable shopaholics. Hey, it’s what we love best! Not to mention, on the day sales start for a store we like, you can expect us there, early.

#14 Our course defines the proverb “practice makes perfect”.

#15 On the other hand, the feeling you get when something you created is being worn and showcased at a fashion show… Un.bloody.believable.

So there we have it. It might be a little different here and there for some of you all, but mostly I believe we all fall under this vicious category. Buuuut, despite the sleepless nights we go through, and the missing of meals, and the missing of parties and chilling- we do love what we do. It’s no mathematics, it’s not science, and it’s definitely not mugging up of anything. It is pure creation, inspiration and lots of ideas, concepts and vision combined altogether. Design, my friends, is a big freaking deal. You might say …”oh hey you just have to draw and stitch clothes” …if it was as easy as that, then why would our lives be so, incredulously strenuous?! Point made, point explained.

Goodnight fellow bloggers!

